2016 news archive
Brains on Board
12 October 2016
A new EPSRC five-year program grant: "Brains on Board" will be activated on January 2017.
This grant involves five subprojects, each run by its own PI, with James Marshall (Computer Science, Sheffield) being the overall PI of the whole endeavour (his subproject is to build flying robots).
Mikko's subproject is to study the honeybee vision using bespoke VR-systems and electrophysiology.
The other co-PIs running their specific subprojects are: Thomas Nowotny (Sussex), Andy Philippides (Sussex) and Lars Chittka (Queen Mary).
Phototransduction 2016
6 September 2016
Many thanks for Zhuoyi, Diana and Florence for organising the Phototransduction 2016 meeting in Sheffield.
It was all great fun - great weather, great food and wine, and of course great speakers presenting their exciting science.