BBSRC Application References

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62 Song, Z., Zhou, Y., Feng, J. & Juusola, M. Multiscale 'whole-cell' models to study neural information processing - New insights from fly photoreceptor studies. J Neurosci Methods 357, 109156 (2021).

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65 Song, Z. & Juusola, M. Refractory sampling links efficiency and costs of sensory encoding to stimulus statistics. J Neurosci 34, 7216-7237 (2014).

66 Song, Z. et al. Stochastic, adaptive sampling of information by microvilli in fly photoreceptors. Curr Biol 22, 1371-1380 (2012).

67 Dorkenwald, S. et al. Neuronal wiring diagram of an adult brain. Nature 634 (2024).

68 Li, F. et al. The connectome of the adult mushroom body provides insights into function. Elife 9 (2020). e62576 10.7554/eLife.62576

69 Juusola, M., Song, Z. & Hardie, R. C. in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience   (eds D. Jaeger & R. Jung)  2758-2776 (Springer, 2022).

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